Become a Partner
Maintain Control
Maximize Earning Potential
Grow Unbounded
Long-term practice value can double or triple if the proper structures are already in place at the time of a revaluation or corporate sale.

Forge Growth Strategy
Forge is affiliating with select partners in the following states

- Indiana
- Ohio
- Kentucky
- Tenessee
- Arkansas
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- Alabama
- Georgia
- South Carolina
- Florida

Why Choose Forge?
No Private Equity
Outstanding clinicians leading and supporting in partnership with experienced business professionals without pressure from investors. Remain an owner in your practice with all of the associated benefits, including continuing to own the decision-making process over key business decisions affecting you and your team.
Maintain both clinical, and cultural, control and leadership without quotas. Remain visible in your community with your practice's identity. Keep associates as colleagues, not competitors.
Future Motivation
Continue to develop the practice's legacy, and retain ownership of a heritage that can continue to benefit your family. Growing your practice will still yield financial gain. Enjoy the same tax advantages of ownership with the added benefits of participating in profit sharing from the growth of your practice and Forge as a whole.